One thing you should do every day when you are max level in SWTOR is your daily quests. Once you’ve used all your comms, you’re ready to start doing standard difficulty Flashpoints. SWTOR makes it very easy to get a good set of starting gear right now. The very first thing people want to do at level 65 is gear up. They are easy to pick up and do, and have lots of helping hands along the way. These are activities directly supported by the game. There’s plenty to do, so let’s get on with it. Often people ask ‘What do I do at max level in SWTOR?’ once they hit that magic level 70. Once you reach max level in SWTOR, that’s when the game really begins. Still, leveling up is is like a tutorial for the endgame. By far, it is the best leveling experience of any MMO I have played. Leveling up in SWTOR is an amazingly fun experience.